You can follow the latest news from the DPA contest by following our official Twitter account or by subscribing to our announcement mailing list.
Old news
- 27/05/2010: An opinion poll about the second edition of the contest is now online to help us to improve the future editions of the contest. It just takes a few minutes to answer, even if you do not plan to participate to the contest!
- 18/05/2010: The results of the first evaluation of an attack (the reference attack) are published on the Hall of Fame.
- 18/05/2010: New version (1.1.0) of the attack wrapper for Windows and instructions for using Matlab under Windows.
- 12/05/2010: New version (1.1.0) of the attack wrapper for Unix and instructions for using Matlab under Unix (Linux, Mac OS X, *BSD)
- 20/04/2010: The framework that allows you to develop (in C#), test and evaluate your own attack on Windows is now available.
- 09/04/2010: The deadline for submissions is Wednesday 14th of July 2010, 23:59 UTC. The results will be announced during CHES 2010 workshop.
- 23/02/2010: A new release of the tools (attack wrapper and metrics computation tool) and a Python version of the reference attack are available to download. This release solves some portability issues and allows the use of traces from the disk instead of the network.